Organization: Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations
Registration deadline: 15 May 2017
Starting date: 01 Jul 2017
Ending date: 31 Dec 2017
The funding programme CCP Refugees and Migration supports networks, further training and exchange between professionals of refugee work and in the field of migration. In 2017, the programme focuses on African countries along the main migration routes to the Mediterranean. The programme is an adapted concept of the CrossCulture Programme (CCP) of ifa and is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.
Areas and target groups
CCP Refugees and Migration is aimed at employees of non-governmental organisations, government agencies and organisations in the field of refugee work and migration. Participating countries in 2017 are Germany as well as Chad, Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda.
ifa assigns up to 24 scholarships for a period of five weeks up to three months until December 2017. Scholarship holders cooperate with a host organisation abroad. The main focus is refugee management and the eradication of root causes of forced migration, including civil conflict resolution and prevention, humanitarian assistance, (re-)integration of refugees, empowerment of civil society actors, and information transfer, amongst others.
Who can apply?
Professionals, employees or long-term volunteers of an institution can apply for the programme. For participants from Germany a good command of English is compulsory. For participants from African countries a good command of English is strongly recommended but not compulsory. Knowledge of the host country’s language (German or French) is very valuable, but not a requirement for participation.
Organisations can encourage their employees to apply. They are also invited to host scholarship holders from one of the participating countries.
Please note: The programme welcomes so-called tandempartnerships, i.e. institutions sending an employee to cooperate with a host organisation abroad and hosting a scholarship holder from abroad.
How to register:
Apply now!
Call for applications will be open until 15 May 2017.