Get a solid basis for disaster risk reduction planning. Learn how to perform vulnerability and capacity assessments of both chronic vulnerabilities and those related to extreme events and hazards.
This course focuses on the entire vulnerability and risk assessment process, from using different methods to analyse risk to evaluating their results. The concept of vulnerability is vital in this context, as it allows us to understand why some individuals or systems are more at risk than others, thus widening our scope of possibilities for risk reduction. IFRC’s Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (VCA) tool is applied for a case study during the field trip. The course provides a solid basis for disaster risk reduction planning.
The course consists of 3 weeks of face-to-face studies including a field trip in a South-Asian country (India, Nepal or Sri Lanka) followed by 1 week for a written assignment (online). The initial 3 weeks of studies include 1 week of training and lectures followed by 1 week of fieldwork and a final week of visits to different organisations working in the field of disaster risk reduction.
How to register
Read about exact course dates, deadlines and the application procedure on the course website: